
Alterra Property Group


Philadelphia, PA


6,600 SF

Located in Rittenhouse Square, Alterra Property Group found its new home in the ground floor of a former parking garage. 

The 6,600-square-foot floor plan includes original exposed concrete floors with high ceilings and unique large industrial-style windows. The modern office space includes a kitchen with custom steel cabinetry and a 12-person boardroom.



A second informal conference room can be opened from either side with custom steel barn doors which expand the room into a large gathering area. 





The space was further activated with a grand mezzanine for a ping-pong table which is also viewable from the kitchen. Industrial style office fronts were designed to provide sight lines and light into the space while providing separation and privacy from the “bullpen” style open office workstations. The project was completed in conjunction with Eileen Tognini Design.